Online Payday Loans

Fast Approvals

Get approved in minutes and get your cash as fast as 15 minutes.

No Hidden Fees

Clear terms with no surprises, just transparent costs.

Flexible Repayments

Choose a repayment plan of up to 31 days that works for you.

Simple Process

Easy online application, no paperwork required.

Online Payday Loans

Online Payday Loans That Meet Your Needs

With Cashback Loans, you get payday loans that are fast and confidential. We provide a stress-free experience, and our friendly customer service agents are always available to help. You can rely on Cashback Loans for the cash you need when you need it.

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Services Offered

Payday loans in online are just the start of Cashback Loans' services. We offer the loans you need to meet life's unexpected challenges. Explore our services and see how we can help you today.

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Loved By Our Customers

Frequently Asked Questions

A payday loan is a small, short-term loan that can help you with some immediate cash needs until your next paycheck, which is typically when your loan is due.

Payday loans are also know as cash advances, short-term loans, payday advances, bad credit loans, deferred deposit transations, and paycheck advances.

There are multiple pros of getting a payday loan with Cashback Loans.

  • One pro is that they are easy to apply for, access is easy because we don’t have as many requirements as other types of loans or lenders.
  • No collateral is needed and we don’t check your credit with Transunion, Experian, or Equifax.

The con’s of getting a payday loans are mostly related to the use of the product, it is not a solution for long term financial problems and it is important to understand the fees. When used as a short term solution most of the cons are eliminated.

Online or in-store! Cashback Loans offers payday loans online. There is no need to go into a payday loan store anymore, the whole transaction can be done from your computer or phone. Apply now!

Since a Payday Loan is a short term cash advance loan the process is simple and easy.

  • Apply for your payday loan
  • Get Approved
  • Once approved for your payday loan, you can receive cash at a store front location or have your money instantly deposited in your checking account with a participating bank. If your bank does not accept instant funding you can receive your money the next business day
  • Once your loan is due, typically by your next payday you will need to pay back the loan in full plus the finance charge

There is no charge for applying for a payday advance loan. For the actual payday advance, Cashback Loans charges a percentage or dollar amount based on the loan amount. Depending on your state law and the maximum amount your state permits you to borrow the fee may vary

Get In Touch!

If you need instant payday loan funding California, then you are in the right place. At Cashback Loans, we will provide you with the instant funding you require regardless of your credit score. Please submit your online application form now to get started. You can also give us a call at (909)-483-0474 for any questions or comments!

Contact Info

Corporate Office

PO Box 6090, La Quinta CA 92248.

Phone Number


Email Address

[email protected]

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